Sunday, March 9, 2008


I’m not particularly squeamish. In fact, it’s pretty safe to say that it takes a lot to make me squirm. I’ve never been afraid of bugs, but based on the way that I react to insect bites I probably should be. I’m sitting here right now soaking my foot because my toe is twice its normal size. I think I was bitten by a spider at some point today. I haven’t seen a spider in months, but it’s all I can think of to explain why my toe is so swollen.

While I was living in the quaint, yet bustling metropolis of Aix-en-Provence, France I crashed at my friend’s house a number of times. She lived in Eguilles; out in the country where the creepy crawlies roamed. I was sleeping on her floor, once, and during the night I rolled over a scorpion. I woke up the next morning with a giant welt on my hip. As the day progressed, the welt grew until it reached a diameter of about 4 inches. The woman at the pharmacy gasped when I showed her my hip and scrambled to find a salve for the bite. I wish I had taken a picture of that welt…it was so nasty. Heh.

Funny to think about those invisible monsters you know are lurking about.


Courtney Mault said...

I wish you would have gotten a photo too -- sounds pretty impressive. I could try and recreate it for you with makeup! It'd be a fun project.

lesley said...

Yes! And with makeup we can add pus and festering ooze...

Nayana Anthony said...

1. Damn, girl, you've lived everywhere!

2. Ewwwwwww.

Loops O'Fury said...

They have scorpions in France?