What's been troubling me most lately is the fact that come May I'll be unemployed because the funding for my job is based on the fact that I am a student. At this point, I have no prospects for employment and I've estimated that I will have about one month's worth of money to live off of come May....minus the money that I'll be spending on my Peru trip (that will be a future post for those of you who aren't already familiar). So yeah, maybe 20-ish days to live off of....? I have one potential offer, but it is contingent on someone at the company's husband getting a job out of state so I'm not banking on it, though it would make things soooo easy for me. A girl can dream, can't she?
I was talking about this with my dad and his response to me was the following: "Les, just think of me as your Jockey shorts. I'll try to support you as best as I can..." While his words of wisdom probably wouldn't be heard coming out of the mouth of the Dalai Lama, I thought it was hysterical.
So remember kids, whenever you're feeling a little lost, just turn to your Jockey shorts for support.
Your dad is so cute. I also got screwed upon graduation by having one of those U jobs, and then I was unemployed for 3 months. Maybe if The fucking Current had been around back then my radio skillz wouldn't have gone to waste.
Holy short hair in that picture!
Your radio skills haven't gone to waste, Hedy, I tune in every week for your local broadcast from the shower.
Ahh yes, those were my short-hair days. And that is even kind of long compared to what it first was! If you look closely (or click on the pic because I think it's super big) you can also see my nose piercing that I no longer have.
Dude, of course I clicked on the pic. But you shouldn't tell people to click on it because I think I can see a booger on your upper lip.
Everyone needs their jockey shorts now and then. Just don't skidmark them up before you move on.
I always throw away my poop-smudged undies.
I have a special drawer for mine.
Eww..no I don't.
totally Miranda in that picture.
-love carrie
When I used to wear tighty whities up through college, I could just bleach the crap out of my undies. Literally! These days I wear mostly black funders. Much easier to conceal those poo marks. I don't even bother to wash them anymore! Yipee ki-yi, mofo!
Oh man I love the tighty whities, that's what my dad wears. What are funders?
Maybe you can apply for unemployment to get you through to finding a different job. I bet you could...
Also, they're always hiring at the clinic where I work if you just need something in the interim...
Unfortunately, Lesley wouldn't be eligible for unemployment (believe me, I tried to get it) because it's a temporary part-time job. So lame.
Thanks for the support, Alie but Hedy is right about the unemployment. I think everything should end up working out ok, but I just got frazzled last night.
You guys need to learn how to wipe your asses after you go poo.
And Lesley, your dad sounds awesome. I wish mine expressed his love with undie metaphors.
and PS-- can I express to you how much I know how you feel?
The truth is...something always works out. Both your Dad and the Dalai Lama would tell you that.
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