Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I'm so happy I peed a little!

I swore I wouldn’t post at work but I’m too excited to just go back to sitting with my thumb up my butt at the office pushing papers around.

Today started off really crappy. I was supposed to be at the office at 8:00 to cover the front desk and I woke up at 7:57. This was the second time in a row that I’ve woken up when I should technically be at the office and I felt pretty idiotic having to call in late again. In my absolute mad scramble to get out of my apartment to catch the 8:15 bus (3 blocks away) I got dressed without wearing my glasses which resulted in me putting my undies on inside out and wearing clothes that just ended up looking a bit “off”. I came in looking quite pathetic with major bed-head and raindrops all over my glasses because I forgot my umbrella.

Cut to my lunch break when I walked into a restaurant only to discover that the person taking my order is my long lost friend REX! Rex was one of my closest friends from the Hell-on-Earth bead shop that I worked at a few years ago and we lost contact when he moved away to reorganize his life a little bit. Well he moved back and I was so excited to see him that I got a little misty eyed.

The end.


Hedy De Vine said...

I'm sure you looked very cute with your hair askew and the rain in your eyes.

The-Pillsbury-Gay-Boy said...

hey, at least you didn't look like Ronald McDonald, or did you?

lesley said...

Hedy, I looked groggy and disheveled. The rest is up to your own interpretation.

Jesus, what are you implying???

lizzardbeth said...

That's AWESOME! Anyone named Rex can brighten a day.

Butchie said...

I would like to hear more about you peeing.